students of the 5th grades of the BG/BRG Judenburg participated in the
3rd online meeting with our partner schools in Denmark, Spain and
Poland. Alltogether approximately 60 students discussed different topics
related to "sustainability".
Activity 1:
Clap your hands
to the right / left / up / down:
Activity 2: Warm-up Game - Everybody who … switches on the camera.
Start: All
students switch off their cameras.
Teacher asks
questions and if they are right for you, you switch on your camera.
who has a pet
has a dog at home
has a cat at home
does not like travelling
has a brother
has a sister
is from Poland
is from Denmark
is from Austria
is from Spain
does not like spaghetti
Activity 3:
Breakout session 1 (15 min)
Padlet 1 – Main problems concerning sustainability in our area
Discuss the topic in your group and write down 5 main ideas in the Padlet.
Choose one speaker who presents your results.
PASSWORD is ERASMUS+ (capital letters)
ONLY 3 groups present
Activity 4:
Breakout session 2 (15 min)
Padlet 2 – Good sustainable practises in our area
Discuss the topic in your group and write down 5 main ideas in the Padlet.
Choose one speaker who presents your results.
PASSWORD is ERASMUS+ (capital letters)
ONLY 3 other groups present
Activity 5:
Select one Sustainable
Development Goal. Do one activity concerning your topic/SDG, take a picture and
post it on Instagram #letschallengeka2
Activity 6:
Good-bye from teachers
Activity 7: (Group pictures)