Monday, May 3, 2021

Erasmus+ Digital Project Meeting - 4th May 2021

Digital Meeting of the Erasmus+ Project "Let's Challenge the Future - Approaching New Horizons to Create a Sustainable Europe!"

Program for the digital meeting

Erasmus+ Project: Let’s challenge the Future!

Tuesday, 4th May 2021 – 16:30 h

Denmark / Spain / Poland / Austria

·       Welcoming: Austrian Koordinators Bernd Fiechtl and Ilse Prenn

·       Presentation of the program

·       Presentation of the Erasmus+ Project

·       Ice-Breaking Activity – Breakoutroomsession 1 – Talk about yourself (Spain/20 min)

·       Ice-Breaking Activity – Breakoutroomsession 2 – Talk about your school (Poland/20 min)

·       Ice-Breaking Activity – Breakoutroomsession 3 – Sustainable Life/Padlet (Spain/20 min) 

·       Farewell and group picture


Participating schools:

BG/BRG Judenburg - AUSTRIA:

Stolpedalsskolen - DENMARK:

Gimnazjum nr 2 im. Polskich Alpinistow w Koninie - POLAND:

Colegio Abad Sola  - SPAIN:

Icebreaking Activitiy 1 - SPAIN 

The activity has three parts:

1) A toilet paper roll is required. Each student has to take as many pieces of paper as thy want. The number of pieces they take, the "aspects" they comment about them and their family or the place they live. NOT HOBBIES!

2) They need a piece of paper and a pencil or pen.  Each student has to draw quickly a picture of one or more hobbies they have. The rest of the members of the group try to guess it. After guessing, they can comment about their hobbies (if they have some in common, how often they practice them,etc.)

3) They need the mobile phone. They look for a picture, emoji or gif that identifies them and represents the way they feel at the moment (thinking about the present situation, the pandemy or their personal situation, depending on they want).They show the picture to the rest of the members and explain why they chose this picture or symbol.


Icebreaking Activitiy 2 - POLAND 

 Task 1:

Wheel of fortune. You will answer the question/s from the wheel of fortune.


  • What is your favourite part of your school?
  • If you could change just one thing about your school what would it be?
  • If you had one thousand dollars to buy something for your school what would you buy?
  • What do you like the most about your teachers?
  • What’s your favourite school subject and why?
  • What do you like the most about online learning?
  • What do you like the least about online learning?

Task 2:


Throw a dice and give examples of (we will use online dice )

  • Your greatest success at school. 
  • Two school trips that you have participated in. 
  • Three features of a perfect schoolmate. 
  • Four tips how to survive school week. 
  • Five examples of meals or drinks that should be served in a school canteen. Six words associated with school.

 Task 3: Say 3 sentences about yourself two false and one true.

